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Sunday, June 13, 2010
BAck from ChiNa !
Just came back from China. Whoah~ it is tiring.

2 weeks in China makes me home sick!! i wanna come home so much after 1 week there. People will said im crazy. It's fun there, but not all the time, I feel bored most of the time,because im not going with my friends but with a bunch of uncles and aunties. Well, it is expected though.

It was really a great experience there. I went to a place call Tai Xing, then Shanghai, Hang Zhou and finally Shen Zhen. =D to see more photos, im sorry, u will have to view my facebook. For those who dont have my facebook, Oh O~~ i cant help. Unless i know u, or else i wont simply add you as friends.

I went to Expo in Shanghai. I was very exciting at first, but once i reach the place, my mood gone. Because it was TOO CROWDED!! Too many people entering at the same time, too many lining up to go into a pavilion, too many people in the restaurant, too many people in the toilet, too many people in the souvenir shops... AHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~ this is crazy!!!
And more than 90% of the crowds are local Chinese. No wonder the government have to come out with the one-child policy. Phew~~

Let's talk about Hang Zhou. It is really a beautiful place. Should go there in couple. The beautiful views there were wasted to me, because... i don have a romantic partner over there... sigh...
I will definitely go back to Hang Zhou again in one fine day. =) I bought so many silk sleep wear from there. hehehe... comfy comfy... Im even wearing it now.... =)

please ignore the dark circle under my beautiful eyes! they just wont leave me and my beautiful eyes alone. =(

Well, the final stop, Shen Zhen, is really a good place to shop. I went to the Windows of World, with all the miniature of great buildings from all over the world. It feels like i travel to the whole worldin 1 day time! I went to this place called Maori, they have performance of their traditional dance- the hula dance just like u see from the Hawaiian. And the best thing is, the made me to dance on the stage with the hula costume!!! hahaha.... But too bad, a friend of mine only get to captured 1 picture of mine on stage, and... it is a blurred one! i was speechless....

tadaa, this is it! the girl who performing on stage. and that's the costume they put on me and made me dance hula dance on stage!! haha! it was fun.

That was my first time to China. I had a great time over there.

So what's next??

Bangkok, Thailand!!!!!!

Sawadeeeeeee..... CUP CUP CUP !
meimei ♥ 1:55 AM
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
This is the Finale!!!!

After all these shit papers, I'll be done with study, dne with university, IM DONE WITH BOOKS!!! well, except novels or story books, i like them pretty much... =)

Let's count down.... few more papers, few more days...

And I'll be free..............................

meimei ♥ 11:48 AM
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I was born today.... 22 years back... =D
It is my birthday, let's celebrate!

These are all i got!! yummy yummy pressie..

Owh, happy happy me~ =D

OF course and a warm bday celebration from the Sot backsides and my baby.

meimei ♥ 1:06 AM
Friday, April 9, 2010
Too many things happened on us. I wonder is there any more chances for us to get back to where we were. But looking back is not a good idea.

I have no idea how much wounds i've left on you, but im sure e of themach must have caused you unbearable pain. I cant express how terrible i feel. Why must made the both of us to stuck in this shit and never find the way out?

I've been selfish for a long time, and im tired of feeling guilty. Therefore i decided to let go. But u said u will be happier if i can continue to be selfish. This is not how it should be baby. Thing shouldn't work this way. There are so many things that you willing to give, i know baby. But not the things that i wanna take. And things that you always want from me I can never give...

Seeing you break down and cry is like being cut by a blade, at first... and slowly i got numbed.
Yet, i still don wish see that scene anymore. Both of us are suffered for long enough. Someone should have stand out and say "let's stop this", but i know, it will never be you.

So I did it. I hope I'm not doing something wrong. I will have to stop my tears from dropping so that you see me strong.

We are so close, yet so far.....
meimei ♥ 1:10 AM
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
I got what??????? When I'm rushing madly for my final year report, a few sms and calls from friends keep coming in and inform me that i got Barred from sitting for Media Ethics paper?!!! Holy COW!! Mooo~

4 years studying in this university, and i got barred on my very last semester!
I hate you,the lecturer!! and you better let accept my letter of appeal, or else im so going to xxxxxx you!! I dont wanna stay not even 1 day extra in UTAR!

I just hope that i can graduate on time, smoothly! *cross finger*

meimei ♥ 11:29 PM
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Business woman in the house!
I'm unbelievable, Im starting a small agency business with my beloved Caca. why is it so unbelievable? Because doing business is in the top 10 in my list of things-i-will never-do-in-the-future when i was young. haha.. but frankly, I'm still not so into it. But I need money!!! $$$$$

The starting point is pretty tough, alot of things have to be done. And it is even tougher for me when all the datelines of assignments and presentations all accumulated in the same month. Goshh.. I hope I dont need to sleep at night.

But thankfully, my partner is being very understanding, so she took over most of the things that need to be done within that period, and made me concentrate on my study. That is lovely. =) Thank you very much!!

It's time to get back to my assignments. Time is tickling...
meimei ♥ 12:58 AM
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Happy 2010 !!!

How you guys celebrate or countdown your new year? I went clubbing with my baby. Well, what else can we do other than BBQ, house warming, clubbing, watch fireworks bla bla bla... basically every year is the same. Unlessnext year i will get to go traveling and countdown in a different country. =D

it's another brand new year and Im one year older. ahhh... this is always the saddest part.
everyday will still be the same. it's not like im going to get rich and be a millionaire nor a super model, a super celebrities nor a super grade student. life still goes on like usual, except i will be getting busier with my study and some part time jobs. Well, sometimes i do pray for some miracle in life to happen. you know, just like reading a fairy tale story, the fantasy comes to life. haha... i beg those little girls who love fairy tales understand my feeling well <3

another 5 months to go and i will be all done with my study! hooray~! no more revision, no more exams! but surely i will miss them feli much after that. human being, this is normal. will only cherish things after they lost it.

the past year 2009 wasnt a great year to me. things happened. unhappy one mostly. cant do anything but face it, yes! or run away from it too. call me loser, i dont mind. how could i face EVERY single things in my life. and it's not wrong for me to run sometimes too ya?!

I have another 2 weeks of holiday. but nothing exciting is going to happen i guess. just sit home and wait for the uni to start. oh yea, and finish up my report. =p
im not a good student but neither a bad one.

Make a wish on this new year, and i sincerely hope all of your wishes come true.
meimei ♥ 5:16 PM
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Happy Tong Yuen Festival!!!

Yes, no doubt no doubt, i made this!! and i made more! i ate even more. Hohohoho!!
This year's celebration is just a very simple one. Grandma and aunt both fell sick, cant eat chicken, cant eat seafood, cant eat this cant eat that... even tong yuen also cant eat. Sigh. feel sad seeing them like this.

these are the dishes ^^

This holiday is seriosuly bored. Stayed in Seremban for 1 whole week,only go out once for movie. Aiksss.... i wanna go back to PJ very much leh! then will get to go out with baby again ^^
Miss you already baby. Study hard ok?
meimei ♥ 12:12 PM
Friday, December 11, 2009
suddenly, i miss my blog. feel like writing something here, but feeling so strange to blog again after so long.

listening to Mariah Carey and Boys2Mens's "One sweet day", song is sweet but not my heart.
I feel extremely bitter. I've done something terrible, to somebody who loves me with his life. I know even one thousand sorries cannot cure your broken heart... i believed in karma, and im afraid. What goes around will eventually comes around.

I've changed. i see it by my own eyes. changed into someone who is more irritating. because even myself dont like myself anymore. I can predict how much others dislike me too. But I just want to be who i like to be, do things i like to do. Just give me a break, and a little escape!
meimei ♥ 2:37 AM
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Emo day

I got a few days off, skipped a few classes. It is already week 13, that's why. Again, final exam is around the corner. It was last year the last time i sit for final exam. Have to start study like a madness woman in order to sit for the papers and get a flying-not-so high result.The circulation willl keep going on till next year. I feel bored already. And I'm saying this when Im only 21. Im useless i guess.

Got a bad news last night,mom called, said aunt got diagnosed having cancer,2nd stage. I.... dunno what can I do for her. This will always be the last thing I want to happen on her. And my mom too. Aunt loves me and cares for me like her daughter, and I do loves her back like my mom. Recently my mom also claimed that she is feeling ill all the time and having some old-folks-diseases-symptoms. Things that I can do is buying her vitamins and calcium that can strengthen her. >< Friends who like to lie... me having s few. Sometimes you wouldn't know who to believe who to trust. I used to believe everything they told. But now i doubted everything they told.

This isn't what friends are for. It's week 13, but I still not motivated in picking up my books. What is wrong with me? Rainy day makes my day more blue...

meimei ♥ 3:08 PM
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The broke lady
Got a nice job for the weekend. Distributing fliers at the "Look Out Point". That was the first time I went there. Nice weather, nice view, nice job, nice people (I mean my boss, Calvin). ^^ Well, who can get this kind of nice job like I did? There is Benz to pick you up for work and send you home after work! the pay is not bad. and the boss is kinda funny too. ^^

I'm broke! very broke! I need more freelance jobs. I need more money! I just paid my rental... =( and there are many things in the shopping center waiting for me to bring them home. I can even see them waving to me in my dream..... >< But wallet empty empty... what to do? Wait ya my darling, honey, sweetie pie and sugar plum.... I will bring you home soon.... I hope...

meimei ♥ 9:45 PM
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Penang road trip
Elicia was back from Australia. We had a dinner plan on Monday night. Well, I thought it was just a dinner. =) But ended up I was in her house with Bluey that night. Because the next morning, we are going to have a road trip to Penang! Woah! It is very surprising. haha. Thanks to her mom and Bluey, keep persuading me to follow without giving a damn to my assigment, no matter how many times I told them I have to submit something important the next day. Well, they just dont think that it is something more important than the road trip. haha. And thanks to her father as well, purposely booked another hotel room just for the 3 of us! @@ uncle, you are very efficient leh!!

some piccies for sure =)

for more piccies, you can visit my Facebook. ^^

2 days in Penang, other than eat, we have nothing better to do. Brought our swimming suit, but none of us have the urge to move our fat ass to the swimming pool. haha. We consumed food like no other but without exercise for 2 days. I was guilty. Very! ><

Eli went back to Australia again, can only see her again on Christmas. Gonna miss you alot alot babe! ^^
meimei ♥ 7:27 PM
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Who took the PSP?

went Law Yat last 2 Friday (May 10th) with baby to buy a PSP! The salesman quite nice heh, gave us a quite good price. baby said is because he had bought many things from him. From Play Station 1 to Play Station 3, a lot of PS games and now PSP! of course he will gives a good price. ^^

he choose a black PSP. haih.... boring colour la b.... but he likes it... what to do. I still heart my white PSP!! ^^ she is so much prettier, hehe (sorry baby... =p).

Okay, of course I wont just write a post here to tell that he got a new PSP! I dont show off one okay??! LOL. This was what happened on a bloody early morning, 4.30am, a week after we bought the PSP.

I was back in Seremban that weekend, I told I want the PSP for that weekend, but he doesnt want me to bring back. Because he wants to play at home since Im not around for the weekend. Okay, fine!! Since I have my own PSP at home... so I said forget about it. Sunday morning, 4 in the morning, baby called. He told me : B!! I lost my PSP!!!

Man!!!! I was totally awake! WHat happened????

And this was his story.He said he went snookerat first on Saturday night, then Coco Banana, then back to Al-Safato yam cha, with bunch of friends. Plus he had passengers in the car. When he reached Coco Banana, he remembered that he hide the PSP under his jacket. But he forgot to check when he get into the car after Coco Banana. =.= From Sunway all the way to Damansara, when they reacher Al-Safa, only he wanted to go get his PSP. but this time, it wasnt there anymore! it's GONE! They cant find anything that look like his PSP inside or outside his car...

SIGH! I damn sakit hati... =(

So today, we went Law Yat again......... Yea, you're right. we went there to buy another PSP. Im glad that my white PSP is having its safe life at home now. Duhh.. I dont have the money to buy another one weh.... Boo... So baby, pls take good care of your PSP laaaa...
meimei ♥ 10:24 PM
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Went Tenji Sushi Buffet with baby last friday. There are alot of food, but I dont have a huge tummy on that day. Although I still eat alot, but it's less than what I expected. haha...

Nicole is playing her favourite game again. M.I.C. Even Anderson has to come to me to find out what is happening. Yea, I know what is going on, but I can't help. Im sorry. Because even myself cant get through her. Have to wait for her to come to me then. Which wont be long. (= What is next? I dont know, but I do hope I can goback to The Castle again and order Orange-Vanilla-Mint super shisha with you guys, the four of us, the actual group. But... the chances are low I know...

Duuhhhh... Too many things happened ever since my semester started. Im tired already. Few more months to go...

Gotta get back to my ass -igment... =.=
meimei ♥ 10:23 PM
Monday, June 15, 2009
The Fashion magazines might help
Noticed some fashion disasters in University lately... i know im not a fashionista or something and i guess i will never be, but still the fashions that i saw were just sooo eye-popping sweat.

1. putting the shades on head like a hair band for the whole day in classes. It looks soooooo wrong. I mean it is totally fine when you do this at outdoor, or just for a short while. But not purposely put it on like a hair band and come to class like that everyday right? A typical 'Wanna be' i will say.

2. wearing a pair of nice high heels with..... house shorts and house t-shirt which is old and over-size... well well well... you should just wear a pair of slippers instead of high heels my dear.

3. wearing a pair of black leather boots with some blink blink chain on it (it's super outdated) and match with some kind of old fashion over-knee dress plus an old fashion short jacket. And that really gave me a "Wow!!" haha... makes me feel like singing Jessica Simpson's "These Boots Are Made For Walking". =p

Do you think that I'm over reacting about this, or it is really something not right??
meimei ♥ 9:06 PM
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
bad sign
fever on the first day of class? it might not be a good sign for the semester. Lol. sorry for being so superstitious. Im just an ordinary chinese girl after all. remind me to pray 'Guan Yin Ma' when I go home. ^^
meimei ♥ 5:00 PM
Monday, June 1, 2009
Holiday and Beach
Lang Tengah Trip - 25th to 27th May. What a sunny holiday


who doesnt love the beach?? ^^
meimei ♥ 1:32 PM
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Solution Vodka
Suddenly, Im here back in Damansara. Because suddenly I got a job offer, and suddenly they wanna the briefing and training by today (suppose to be yesterday but they postponed after I rushed back >.< ).

It will be a soft launching of Solution Vodka in Raw Bar on this Friday and I got chosen as 1 of their promoter. This new Solution Vodka is so much smoother than the Absolute Vodka and the bottle is also nicer, less bulky and trendier. Moreover, they have Orange, Lemon and Peppermint flavor now. ^^

The peppermint one is a must try. It's very cooling when it goes thru your throat compare others. Because normally when drinking vodka, it burns your throat aite? But anyway, although Im promoting this new Solution Vodka now, but the truth is... I still dont like Vodka. hehe.

So for those who are interested in this, please come and visit us at Raw Bar, Solaris, Mont Kiara. From 10pm to 1am. For the promotion price, 1 bottle is RM220, 2 bottles are RM 400. And some other events too which I'm not so clear about. If you are there and wanna buy a bottle or two of Solution Vodka, PLEASE look for me laaaa. Got commission one maaaa... hehe.

Happy Holiday fot those who just finished their final exam. Say good bye to those who are graduated. And say Happy Working for those who staring their internship. Happy day everybody.
And please come and buy Solution Vodka from me!!!! LOL. This is just random. =p
meimei ♥ 6:05 PM
Monday, May 11, 2009
rotting at home sometimes is such a torture. 2 more weeks of holiday. But Im not really happy with it. Supposedly Im going to Lang Tengah with Bluey they all end of this month, but due to my financial problem I almost cancel the trip. Almost! But now, yeah, confirmed I cant go anymore. Brother is admiting to general hospital in KL on 22nd May for an operation. He has a giant tumor at the under arm. >.< It's really a huge one. Mom gonna stay with me in Damansara so that she could take care of my brother. And I can go nowhere too. Blue, I know you must be very upset with me now, Im really really soooooory!!!!! I seriously hope that I can go bikini shopping with you for the trip. :(
Forgive me....

Uni is starting soon, after 6 months of working, it might be a lilttle hard for me to pick up my books and notes again. Just hope that it's actually easier than what i thought. I miss my friends, but most of them are doing their internship this time. So i guess it will be another 6 months of lonely. fortunately, my cheng hui darling's company is not far from my house =D we still can meet up easily.

Im feeling very empty these days, probably is the rotting-at-home-everyday's fault. I wanna do something more meaningful than eat and sleep everyday seriously. But looking for a part time job somehow is harder than I expected. duhhh...

I'm moody moody...
meimei ♥ 4:52 PM
Friday, April 24, 2009
went to Slimming Sanctuary again today. haven't finish my spa credit yet ^^
i was trying to show my picture of wearing a tube top and thong when I was having my slimming treatment last week, but my baby don let me to publish that picture. =p it was toooo sexy to show. lol.

but it's okay, there are other pictures still.

say hello. this is me ready to go out. wearing a cap because my hair really look like a mess due to I didn't take shower before I go out. Stop showing the disgusting face people!!! this is because I'm going to spa!! I will have to off my clothes during the spa and take shower after the spa. what for I wanna waste water and energy to shower 2 times in such a short time aite? "D

before the spa.

after the spa, have to cool down before taking shower. I was sweaty but that place is really awesome. I don't feel like going home every time after the spa. because it's very cooling inside and with the aroma therapy all around the room.

the very refreshing and pretty me after taking shower ♥

when I'm taking my shower only I realized 1 thing! which is.........

I forgot to brush my teeth today!!!! LOL. doing yoga and watching drama were the first thing i did this morning. therefore... hehe... *shy*

it's time to hit the sack! am going to MMU prom with my baby tomorrow. ahh... i mean.. tonight. ^^
good night world.
meimei ♥ 1:07 AM
Thursday, April 23, 2009

I used to have them ...
they are always there for me. no matter what kind of shit I have outside, when I come home to them, they will be there patting my head, kissing my cheek and hugging me tightly.
but then we are apart. I hope we will be as good as we were. this is my wish.
but wishes don't always come true, isn't it?
Although I'm still having them and wish.

For you,
even though you are far away, but whenever I call in the middle of the night, you will talk to me for hours and turned me from crying to laughing, not mentioning that you are actually studying for tomorrow's paper.
you will curse the son of bitch together with me just to make me feel better.
you will show your love to me through words.
I feel loved when there is you.
but do you know that I'm afraid of losing you one day?

I used to have them..
I had lotsa fun hanging around with them. There are bunch of jokers and laughter.
But one day, I noticed I can't feel their jokes and laugh anymore.
I can hear it, but it's very far away like I'm being left behind and I couldn't follow their steps.

For you,
you used to be a sweetheart for me. when I'm upset you are good in advising me.
you are a very great person, can do things that I cant do, know things that I don't know.
You're like my big sister/brother, you will lead me through the mist.
But now, our gap is very big. I cant go near.
Looking at you smiling and laughing happily with others in the photos, I wonder do you still remember me?
It makes me cry myself to sleep sometimes.

Once I thought I have all. But the next thing I realized is the all need me no more.

It's 3 in the morning but I'm still up because I'm missing all of you, all of the memories, and all of the past of us.
meimei ♥ 3:05 AM
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday ♥
Was having a great day with my baby on Sunday. I went to Slimming Sanctuary on Saturday for a slimming treatment. That was awesome ^^ love it. And gonna go back again for steam bath spa on Sunday. Baby was studying in Starbucks while waiting for me. This is my treat from my baby.

Too bored with studying... this is his entertainment.. playing with my sunnies...=.=

Caught him on the phone while driving... im gotta call the mata (police)!! lol.

After that is our shopping time ^^ we bought...... err... i forgot what we'd bought. lol. just spending and spending.. and we did grocery shopping too... and those were what he cook for us for dinner ^^ my baby is a good cook =D at least he cook better than me =(

That's our lovely Sunday. What about yours?
meimei ♥ 10:41 PM
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